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Mindfulness & meditation course that will help you experience more peace, manage your emotions better and have greater mental capacity.
mindfulness course in Brno

It's a nice but demanding life. Lots of tasks, lots of options. The mind is running and cannot be turned off. Even if we are already overwhelmed, distracted, irritated.

Just like our body, our mind also needs care and maintenance. And as research and millennia of practice show, mindfulness and meditation (if it is properly taught) is an effective way to take care of our busy mind and feel better in life. You don't have to go to Tibet for that. You can do it even here, in everyday life.

meditation and mindfulness course

What you will learn in the course

Practical techniques to help you:

  • calm the mind and experience more peace

  • reduce stress and anxiety

  • concentrate better

  • gain more insight into your emotions

  • connect with your body and release excessive tension from it

  • understand yourself and otheres better

How the course works

Each meeting contains a bit of theory, a lot of practice and space for sharing .
You will be introduced to a wide range of techniques and we will not only meditate, but also engage in simple and fun physical exercises that release tension and stress from the body.

You will learn how to transfer the learned techniques to everyday life. I will be there for you throughout and after the course to discuss any challenges you may be facing. We can solve them together in a safe group environment or individually.

Between meetings, I send guided recordings, tips for short exercises, thematic ideas and other materials .


When and where

The course will take place in Brno, Czechia. The details are to be announced.


Potkávat se budeme ve studiu Therapies (Zelný trh 11, Brno).

Nejbližší zastávky MHD jsou Šilingrovo náměstí, Zelný trh a Hlavní nádraží. Parkovat auto je možné v Domini park na Husově.

Stačit vám bude pohodlné oblečení. Vše ostatní máme ve studiu.

kurz mindfulness Brno - centrum všímavosti


To be announced

When and where

The course will take place in Brno, Czechia. The details are to be announced.

kurz mindfulness Brno - centrum všímavosti

In case of questions, do not hesitate to contact me by email ( , phone or WhatsApp (+420 732 611 178)

What my clients say

Kurz předčil má očekávání. Přinesl mi větší zklidnění, uvolnění napětí a spoustu praktických rad a cvičení, které se postupně snažím praktikovat. Dal mi nová zjištění o sobě samé i nové objevy kolem sebe. Jsem moc ráda, že jsem mohla být součástí.

Láďa a Lucka

It was a beautiful caress for the soul. My head is clearer now. As if there was more space.

Martina Holková

The course taught me to live more "calmly" and to be more connected with myself. Also, that I can use mindfulness techniques in normal activities during the day.

Honza Kovář

I tried meditation with different apps and it didn't work. But it worked for me with Robert on the course. Mega!

Dixie Adams


Nemůžeš zastavit vlny, ale můžeš se naučit surfovat

Jon Kabat-Zinn

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